Hi Team,

Happy New Year and welcome to 2021, let’s hope it's vastly better than 2020.

This email is a holiday bonus and is really just my summary of a great article written by Mark Mason called 
"1273 People Share Their Best Life Lessons From 2020". 
(I will include a link to the full article at the end of the email which I would highly recommend reading.)

The 10 Best Life Lessons From 2020.

  1. You only really know who you are when everything is taken away from you. The best way to determine what really matters to you is by cutting things out of your life and seeing what you miss and what you don't.
  2. A crisis doesn't change people; it amplifies who they already are. Living through the prolonged lockdown brought out peoples "factory default settings". People that were already paranoid became more paranoid, the needy became more needy, the optimistic became more optimistic and the anxious became more anxious.
  3. The little things are often the most important. Your simple daily activities and routines became hugely important during lockdown, for example, your morning coffee, walking the dog or visiting the local market.
  4. Social distancing is a great social filter. After several months of restricted life, it was easy to see which relationships are really important to you and which are not.
  5. Most things can be both good and bad at the same time. As bad as the whole COVID-19 experience has been for everyone, most people have also experienced some real positives such as increased creativity, a closer relationship with their children or rediscovering the joy of reading.
  6. By slowing down, everything somehow speeds up. A common experience has been that "2020 flew by". Also, many people found something deeply gratifying about delaying their own gratification in the interest of keeping others safe and healthy and discovered the gift of giving and reaching out to others less fortunate.
  7. We underestimate our resilience and adaptability. Individuals and society in general seemed to adapt well to a restricted life and through this collective hardship we all discovered that most of what we really need we already have.
  8. Fear is dangerous. We are all living with heightened levels of fear and uncertainty and fear changes our behaviour. Fear makes people more selfish and drives people to make poor decisions.
  9. Life is what you make of it. This pandemic has shown us how fragile and precious life is and that we should all be grateful for all that we have.
  10. Always live within your means. 2020 has thought us all how to reduce our spending and how to live a more frugal life. "Living within your means is not a nice goal to have - it's a must." 

Thank you to Mark Manson for sharing these collective insights from his blog subscribers and below is a link to the full article,

Thanks for reading,
Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your holidays,

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