Integrity is my number 1 core value for business and life.


This email follows on from Weekly Email # 187 on procrastination.

Personal growth comes from not quitting.


Today my integrity is being put to the test because I am in the middle of something that I would really love to quit.


In today’s “post pandemic world” the residential building industry is weathering a “perfect storm” of problems, (chronic labour shortages, unprecedented price rises and long material supply delays) making it almost impossible to make a profit and even harder to finish projects on time.


DDB is currently three quarters of the way through a huge “fixed price” renovation project that was quoted and locked in 2 years ago. Working hard each day on this project is sole destroying and quitting this project would save the business a lot of money. But that would be the short-term easy way out that would end up destroying my reputation and my business. And compromising my integrity in that way is something I could not live with.


“Breaking our personal commitments for short term pleasure may not have lasting benefits, but it does have lasting costs.” Peter Hollins


In most circumstances progress and improvement only comes from not quitting. To become great at anything in life your main task is to avoid quitting. By “toughing it out” and working through problems you become stronger and smarter, this is when the personal growth occurs.


“Persistence is firmly sticking to something for a prolonged period, even as you encounter things that try to unstick you.” Peter Hollins


Not quitting are what separates professionals from amateurs. When you persist at something and do what you say you will do you learn to trust yourself. You honour your “inner commitments” and build resilience. Inner confidence is all about trusting your own judgement and not letting others adversely influence you.


Integrity has many definitions, but the most meaningful to me is “adherence to a code of moral values” and what these moral values are is up to the individual. We all keep an “inner scorecard” where what matters most is our opinion of ourselves. What other people think of you and your actions is far less important.


“Only you know your true motives, so you are the only person who can hold yourself accountable.” Unknown


All throughout life, people love to give you advice, but in the end, you are responsible for your own decisions and progress. It is purely up to you to put in the work, build up experience and to not chop and change or quit when things get tough.


Integrity and doing what you say you will do is all about why you choose to do something. So why am I choosing not to quit our current profitless renovation project?

  • Is it to win the approval of others or avoid disapproval?
  • Is it the easy thing to do?
  • Is it to stay true to what matters most to me?

Hopefully you know me well enough by now to know the answer?


“In business and in life you look for three qualities, integrity. Intelligence and energy. If you don’t have the first the other two will kill you.” Warren Buffett


Thanks for reading,

Stay safe and only quit for the right reasons.



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