The Vital Ingredient for Parenting & Running a Business.


Patience is one of the hardest things in life.


I Promise not to bang on about my son Max getting married in a few days. But I would like to share a recent realization about raising children and running a business.


My very special wife Maryanne recently asked me “what is the biggest lesson you have learnt from raising Max?”


This question came right in the middle of me writing my wedding speech (see Email # 193) and largely shaped the content of what I intend to say.


The simple answer to the above question is patience.


All great accomplishments in life and business require patience, and raising children is no exception.


Maryanne and I are blessed to have three amazing adult children, who have very different personalities and skill sets, but who are all completely comfortable with who they are.


I believe their self-confidence comes from patience during their upbringing. Maryanne and I have been patient with all our kids, and it feels like this is now paying off big time.


At times, this level of patience was not easy. Max in particular has always been extremely frustrating when you need him to do something specific in a nominated time frame. He just cannot be rushed. He eventually gets it done, but only at his own pace and in his own time.


Real patience as a parent, is allowing your kids the time and space they need to be themselves and to make their own decisions. Raising children is an infinite game of patience.


“The greatest impediment to growth and creativity is impatience, the almost inevitable desire to hurry up the process. Robert Greene


One of the difficulties with understanding the power of patience, is that you can only see the true impact of patience in retrospect. In the moment you are unaware of its significance and meaning. Impatience has no perceptible impact in the short term, but it adds up over time and becomes very negative and destructive.


Success in business and investing also requires lots of patience. It takes 10 years for a business to become established and profitable and all investments need decades to benefit from the power of compound interest.


“In life everyone wants the results. No one wants the process that leads to the results.” Unknown


After writing 195 of these Weekly Emails, my simple formula for success in any field is,


Values + Consistency + patience = SUCCESS.


Thanks for reading,

Stay safe and listen to your kids.




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