Should you build from scratch or renovate?

There is no right or wrong answer.

This is a frequently asked questions from my clients which I always find difficult concisely answer. Deciding whether to “renovate” or “demolish and re-build” is a very personal decision and will depend on numerous individual factors.


One key factor is the location of the property you own. Most inner-city suburbs have “heritage overlays” which prohibit the demolition of houses and spell out what you can and cannot do when renovating an existing house.


Another consideration is the quality and condition of the existing house and how well it was built in the first place? Old houses are often “out of square” and require significant rectification work to get them up to modern standards.


A completely new build will involve fewer design compromises and is usually more predictable and systematic. Whilst a renovation is often more emotional due to the embedded history in the home; therefore, renovations can be messy and unpredictable.


But there is nothing like the satisfaction and pride that comes from bringing “an old dame back to life” and creating a whole new chapter in a significant building’s life.

“It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home.” Unknown


In Melbourne one of the major hurdles to overcome before starting a renovation is that all properties with a heritage overlay require a “Town Planning Permit” and this can be a drawn out complicated process. Whilst very few new houses require a town planning permit.



 I often advise my clients to make up a list of the “pros and cons” for a new house and a renovation.  Below is a short list of positives and negatives that can help to clarify which option is best for you and your family.


“Like travel, building a house always costs more than you think.” Lisa Chase





Preservation of an old house

Compromises on design, layout & spaces

Retain lovely period features

Town planning process and advertising (time & $$$)

Can be done for a smaller budget 

Much harder to achieve 6-star energy rating

Shorter building timeline 

Shorter term ownership (“life span”)

Popular decision with your neighbours

May involve some lifestyle compromises

Sometimes possible to live in the house whilst it’s being renovated (although not recommended!)

Not possible to live in during, require alternative.

living arrangements

Preference for the location over size 

May not resolve all family needs

High “feel good” factor





New build



Start with a “clean slate” 

Longer building timeline

Longer term ownership solution 

Need a larger budget

Fewer compromises in design layout & size 

More significant changes to the “streetscape

Able to achieve a more sustainable “thermally efficient " home

Short-term environmental impact from demolition and waste

Able to make a more significant design statement

 More impact on surrounding properties, not great for neighbour relations?


Ultimately, the determining factor will be your budget, but here are a few additional questions to help you make the right call.


  1. Do you really like the existing building?
  2. Does the existing house fit in with the existing streetscape?
  3. Are there any council overlays or restrictions on the property?
  4. Does the existing house have any “heritage significance?
  5. Have you done a renovation before?
  6. How long do you plan to live in this house?
  7. Will there be any significant compromises if you renovate?
  8. What will be the “end value” of the property?
  9. Does it make economic sense?
  10. Does it feel right?

“We shape our buildings, thereafter they shape us.” Winston Churchill

The answer to all these questions will be different for every family.

Like every major decision in life, it’s all about asking the right questions.


Thanks for reading,

Stay safe and ask good questions.




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